
Schöne ruhige Ferienwohnung in Tutzing

Vacation rentals lake Starnberg > Vacation Rentals Tutzing


Vacation Rentals & Holiday Homes in Tutzing and near surroundings:

More informations about Schöne ruhige Ferienwohnung in Tutzing:

Beautiful quiet apartment or room in the heart of Tutzing

We rent by the week a furnished room (18 m2) in a very nice, well-equipped, quiet three-room apartment (95m2) in the center of Tutzing, occupied by the owner. All necessary household appliances, washing machine etc. are available. Use of garden is possible. 3 minutes walk to the train station, 10 minutes to Lake Starnberg. Regional train to Munich Hbf 28 minutes.

Longer rental period or rental of the entire apartment are possible by arrangement.

Photo: View from the Balcony


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z.B. Specifics, time flexibility
(pets not allowed)

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Schöne ruhige Ferienwohnung in Tutzing
Heike Czalaun
82327 Tutzing
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Telefonnummer von Schöne ruhige Ferienwohnung in Tutzing 017154380xxx Show complete phone number
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